Thursday, 8 September 2011

Bad maths and crap weather

I really want a burger

Now I've got that out of the way, we can continue... It seems I completely arsed up my calculation of when the bet will end. The original rules stated kick off of the first game of the Rugby World Cup, which I have been saying for weeks is 1530 Singapore time on Friday 9th September. The problem is, that isn't true, it's 1630... That's an entire extra hour to wait...

I really want a burger

I'm currently stuck in Washington Dulles airport being delayed by a little bit of pissy rain and some lightening. Seems these folks are afraid of more or less everything and won't even let the people off the arriving flight at the moment. We're already delayed by 90 minutes, which is bad enough, but even worse is the fact that for this flight to be delayed long enough for me to be on the ground somewhere in just under 12 hours, to legally enjoy a burger or seven, I'll have missed my connection to Singapore and will miss England's opening game in RWC 2011!

I really want a burger

That hurts.

I really want a burger

So, there isn't really much I can do. The flight keeps getting delayed for 15 minutes at a time so I'm filling my time by speed walking to the smoking room and back, but that's getting a bit repetitive. I might try speed drinking a beer during the next 15 minute delay.

I really want a burger

My three and a half hour stop in LAX (don't ask why I'm flying home that way, I got fed up of doing the travel office's job for them so gave in) is now down to under two hours and with all the security I'm getting concerned that I won't get sufficient lounge time to fully lubricate myself before the 18 hour hop back to Singapore.

I really want a burger

Bring on RWC 2011, bring on the burgers, come on England!

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