Tuesday, 6 September 2011

What next?

It's been a while since I last posted, and a lot of things have happened. But I can't remember most of them, so I'll just jot down what I can remember...

I've spent most of the time since the last post in the US, so there's plenty of fun to be had, but unfortunately there is also a McD's, KFC or Burger King every 2 yards, or so it seems. The dreams about cheating have returned, and they are much stronger than last time.

I spent several mornings last week searching my hotel room for wrappers or other evidence I had cheated. Dreams can be very strong, so strong that you can feel, hear, see, touch, and most importantly to me, taste things while in a dream. You'd think that my dreams would concentrate on the burgers, but no, it's all been fries! I suppose because I've eaten the burgers too quickly for dream-Jim to keep up.

I too have dropped a few pounds through a combination of salad, the gym and not replacing my regular post-pub burger festivals with anything! That seems to have worked, which is a good thing because I've signed up for a half marathon in October and a full marathon in December. There needs to be significantly less Jimbo by the time the half marathon on October 16th rocks around.

So, the there or four of you watching this blog will know that the end date was originally defined as the start of the first match of the Rugby World Cup, which is 1530 Singapore time on Friday 9th September. Should I continue to avoid burgers and their tasty friends after that date and so increase my chances of making it round the marathon course? Should I resume eating the meat-based goodness, but at a greatly reduced rate? Should I just go back to how things were? Well, all those questions are going to have to wait until I get the answer to this one -will Singapore airlines warm me up a burger at 35, 000 feet?

That's right, as the bet ends I will be somewhere over the Pacific where not even McDelivery can reach me. Bad planning Jim. I take off about six hours before the bet ends and don't land until around 12 hours after (very long flight). Answers on a postcard please!

There have been other developments since I last posted. I have become involved in yet another bet/challenge called The Indian Barber. This one is pretty simple, just don't cut your hair for around four months and then give a barber in Little India complete control over what he then does with your flowing locks. It should be intersting.

But maybe not as interesting as I made last Saturday night for a happy wedding couple in San Mateo, California. I was minding my own business in the hotel bar when I noticed a large group of people about my age drinking and smoking. As these are two of my favourite pastimes I wandered over and introduced myself. Being English in America meant I was sure of a warm welcome and was soon introduced to the mother of the bride. Who I gave a shot to. And then the bride. Who I gave a couple of shots to. And then some other people. Who bought me lots of shots. By the end of the night a few people had slipped off to be quietly unconscious somewhere, but I had seven invites to the wedding to be held the next day in a big fancy country club. I thought it best if I did the bride the honour of NOT attending :-)

This may well be the last post before the expiration of the bet, so here's a hearty congratulations to all my fellow competitors, assuming they didn't abandon the rules as soon as I left the country, and stay tuned for news of The Indian Barber, the half marathon and the full marathon, and anything else that takes my fancy.

There will definitely be a very long and detailed post about my first trip to the Golden Arches of Joy!

1 comment:

  1. There's been no cheating here! Well, on my part at least though I can't say for the others. I'd like to say I'll hold out the extra 12 hours for your return but I just don't know that I have the willpower. What I do know is that I will NOT be joining The Indian Barber challenge! That's gonna be fun :) See you in a few days. Enjoy the rest of your trip and don't go plying any newlyweds with Jager; I'm sure they'd like to remember their special day.
