Monday, 22 August 2011


This weekend could have gone so horribly wrong for my performance in this bet, but it didn't. And no thanks to two non-bet mates who tried to go out of their way to rub my face in tasty burger juice. Thanks boys, you know who you are!

These two jokers decided that sat in the pub having a quite warm up drink before the boxing on Saturday was the perfect time to start a conversation about the merits of McD's and just how satisfying it was at any time of the day. That morning's breakfast for example, or for a late lunch before hitting out on a big Saturday night! That's right folks, at least one of these buggers was willing to wander round the corner and return only moments later with a steaming bag of cheeseburgers. That might seem a bit excessive to some of you reading this, but you're probably the ones who haven't seen me disappear for five minutes and come back with 20 cheeseburgers in a bag and feed the pub, and a few random strangers who just happen to be walking past at the happy moment.

I was pretty confident I could take the pressure, but I wasn't looking forward to it. Luck was on my side and a shiny object or a flashing light object distracted this hilarious fool for long enough for him to forget what he was talking about. I was in the clear, but not for long.

Around half an hour later, and some very interesting shots courtesy of two American girls who seemed to be able to just wander behind the bar and concoct whatever diabolical construction came to mind, the temptation returned. This time it was the other one, the other half of the pair that was going to test me.

We got in a cab and just about to drive off when the other guy opened the door and said "I'll be right back, I'm just going to get some fries". That could easily have been the end for me, but again I got away with it. Purely because we were on our way to dinner... Five minutes drive away... That's the kind of thing I would have done only ten short days ago (but I would have got burgers).

I was home before the breakfast menu kicked in (just) so that wonderful, and usually very rare moment where you realize "I'm awake and McD's is serving breakfast" never arose. That moment is for me, as I'm sure it is for you, comparable only to "Jessica Alba is in the pub next door and her clothes fell of" when it comes to how fast I can propel myself under my own motive power.

The normal pizza and sofa Sunday followed and here we are on Monday!

One final note on my positive reaction to the tastes of my mates reading this blog, and whatever robots and fat hairy dudes in their mum's basement have also found it between bouts of World of Warcraft and ordering tasteful gentleman's 'companions' from Japan (guaranteed puncture-proof), fully 47% of visits to this blog have been from Apple devices and only 44% from Windoze :-)

Well done folks, keep up the good work.

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