Friday, 12 August 2011

Day 2...

So, it seems the entire world knows about this bet, and nobody thinks we can do it. Oh ye of little faith. I will be strong! I won't be defeated by a giant ginger dude in his PJs, even if he does have tasty, tasty burgers. 

As predicted Friday without McDonald's was pretty scary. But not as scary as when I got home! I have been dreaming about the Golden Arches of Joy, they're haunting me. Memories of McDonald's past have been swooping through my mind all night. Some of my favourite McD's adventures have been flashing before my eyes... The time we got refused at the drive thru McD's in Maitland (Oz) because we didn't have a car... The time I drove from Newcastle to the south of France, and back again, powered only by McD's (le Big Mac et grand frites please Pierre) and crap French beer... Waking up in a hotel room in Bangkok with 12 Big Mac meals and an unconscious Johnny Walker and no memory of how they or I got there... Good times!

Last night wasn't actually too bad. I never strayed more than 50 yards from Ron's place, so I was in my comfort zone, but I never went inside. Niamh at Mogambo's had some nuggets and I did stand around drinking in the smell for a couple of minutes (I actually detected their presence from Molly's and was out the door and across the street before I knew what was happening), but I didn't touch them and definitely didn't eat any.

Again breakfast is a little troubling this morning, no left over burgers and warm coke means I'm just sat here wondering what on earth to do with myself. Luckily for me those nice chaps at Pac Bev have just delivered two cases of Stella and two bottles of Jager, I'm sure I'll be able to come up with a cunning plan after I've done the mandatory quality control tests on those...

More news from Life Without Ron soon...

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