Thursday, 11 August 2011

Life Without Ron

Last night I did something very silly. No surprises there, I hear you cry...

Well this time I have outdone myself. The full details are a bit murky but the basics are I have to give up McDonald's until the start of the world cup.

This will be a sporadically updated blog detailing my progression through this horrible time, starting today...

Hurdle number one was waking up this morning without my usual breakfast, cold Mega McSpicy, waiting for me on the coffee table. I have no idea where I got the strength to continue with the day after that.

Hurdle number two is coming tonight. Friday night without a "big bag o' burgers" is like Eric without Ernie, like salad without gravy, like... well, you get the idea.

That's not the worst of it, apparently the details of the bet included Burger King and KFC as well. Luckily for me there was no mention of kebabs, so if you can't find me over the next few weeks I'll be sat outside Mogambo's with a kebab from the hole in the wall at the back of BQ Bar.

I am not alone in this ordeal though, friends are suffering with me. Jonny and Jordi are on the "no burgers" side of the bet and Jacx is flying solo on the "no sweeties" side.

Due to this bet there'll be a few more of these chaps around for a month or so...

The first game of the world cup is NZ v Tonga at 1530 Singapore time on 9th September. Expect to find me in McDonald's at 1531 (or more likely, on phone to McDelivery from outside the pub).

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